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WWD Digital Beauty Forum: Beauty 3.0 With AI and AR

Today’s overabundance of options in the beauty market is causing some unintended issues, like decision fatigue. Technology can provide relief. Such as artificial intelligence and augmented reality that allows retailers and manufacturers to recommend products and services directly to individual shoppers, saving both time and customer bandwidth. “AI is data,” Wayne Liu, senior vice president and general manager of Perfect Corp. said during WWD’s Digital Beauty Forum earlier this month in Manhattan. “We have tons of data.” Users can get virtual makeovers, manicures and even accessory recommendations on the platform just by uploading photos of themselves. The site also lets them buy the items they like. And the filters are better than Instagram. A redhead can try out jet black hair without damaging her scarlet locks. Another shopper can try out a new blush digitally before buying. The site analyzes things like face shape, skin tone and even facial emotions, to find the best products for each person. Perfect Corp. and Macy’s launch the Ultimate In-Store Virtual Beauty Retail Experience at Macy’s Herald Square in New York. (Photo by Monica Schipper/Getty Images)  Getty Images Liu said the inclusion of AI and AR in the beauty space represents the shift from beauty 2.0 to beauty 3.0. “Everything is changing,”

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