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WWD Digital Beauty Forum: Guive Balooch and the Beauty Tech Boom

Beauty and technology are continuing to merge — and according to Guive Balooch, global vice president of L’Oréal’s Technology Incubator, we’re only at the beginning. “I think we’re at this really exciting moment, this inflection point, where [corporations and consumers] are seeing the value coming from technology,” said Balooch. “At the beginning [of the tech incubator at L’Oréal] I very much felt we were experimenting, but now the key is value creation — how do we ensure the balance of experimental and excitement to create real market value for consumers?” At L’Oréal, Balooch oversees a team of 40 people across New York, San Francisco, Paris and Asia, all looking for ways to intersect new technology and innovation outside the beauty space with beauty. Over the past few years, the team has brought to market several projects, ranging from personalization — Lancôme’s Le Teint Particulier unique custom foundation — to wearable technology — La-Roche Posay My Skin Track UV Sensor, which made its debut at the Apple Store last fall. For his role heading up technology innovations at the world’s biggest beauty company, Balooch views the merging of beauty and technology through the lens of solving long-standing consumer needs, such as not being able

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