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Beauty Faces the Future at PCPC

The increasing consumer scrutiny on ingredient safety and the ever-shifting regulatory landscape at the national and local levels were top of mind at the Personal Care Products Council Annual Meeting, held Feb. 24-27 at The Breakers in Palm Beach, Fla. The conference kicked off just as the Food and Drug Administration released a proposal for updated sunscreen regulations, including reassessing the safety of oxybenzone, a widely used chemical sunscreen, as well as 13 other chemicals. The proposal also calls for a cap on high SPF claims, additional testing for spray sunscreens to assess their inhalation potential and new labeling requirements. The FDA announcement comes at a time when local and state legislatures are increasingly introducing bills that would more closely regulate the cosmetics industry, ranging from banning the sale of cosmetics tested on animals to prohibiting the sale of products with various ingredients. “Public demands for trust, transparency, authenticity and philanthropy have never been greater,” said George Calvert, chair of PCPC and vice president of supply chain at Amway. “Consumers want to know what we put into our products and what we do to minimize their environmental impact.” During the conference, the increased call for oversight was a key focus for those in attendance. “It

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