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In 2019, Even Your Toothbrush Must Be Cute Enough to Instagram

Call it an extreme makeover for your medicine cabinet. Stylish iterations of traditionally unattractive personal-care products are increasingly in demand, particularly among image-conscious Millennials. Products like toothpaste, razors, toothbrushes and personal lubricant were once seen as functional necessities — bought when a consumer ran out, and usually purchased on sale with little thought given to aesthetics or formulation. No longer. Fueled by wellness culture, consumer demand for transparency, the rise of individualism and the Millennial desire to craft the ideal identity on Instagram, personal-care items are now considered lifestyle products, to be chosen with the same thoughtfulness one might devote to a new pair of shoes or table lamp. “When I started my career 28 years ago, personal care was more function than form,” said Esi Eggleston Bracey, executive vice president and chief operating officer, beauty personal care for Unilever in North America. “The appetite of people has changed — no one wants to use the same thing. They expect a higher level of experience.” Not long ago, Marvis toothpastes and Aesop hand washes were among some of the only niche options for consumers looking to curate a stylish bathroom counter. Now there are a multitude of options across a variety of price points and

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