Free for Haul Friday, Volume #533
Share your recent beauty purchases or rediscovered favorites in your stash (for those on low/no-buys!), chit chat about weekend plans, and learn a little more about each other!
Let's Chat!
Share your own answers in the comments!
- Haul/Rediscoveries: Charlotte Tilbury Pillow Talk Intense/Medium lipsticks and blush,
- Weekend plans: We’re going to drive to a nearby neighborhood and then walk around to get some frontyard inspiration! (We already walked around a lot of our immediate area!)
- Do you like traveling?: I can’t recall enjoying traveling in a long time, if ever, but definitely not as an adult. I loathe flying, don’t like driving, get seasick on cruise ships, and do not sleep well outside of my own bed (not even a guest bed at my parents’ house). If I could only teleport… then maybe I could enjoy the destination, but the journey to and from has not yet been “worth it.”
P.S. — Join us over in the official Temptalia chatroom on Discord! 🙂
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